How is a Manu Bomb So Powerful? - By: The Action Lab
Why Are These Single-Celled Organisms So Large? - By: Journey to the Microcosmos
The Better to Eat You With: The Evolutionary Origins of Teeth - By: SciShow
The Largest Explosion on Earth - Supervolcanoes - By: Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell
Darwin Missed An Example of Evolution Right Under His Nose - By: PBS Eons
Are we approaching the singularity? With Neil deGrasse Tyson - By: StarTalk
The Medicines Hiding in Us… Also, Potatoes - By: SciShow
Why Does This Flower Smell So Bad? - By: Real Science
Venus Express: What Did Scientists Discover On Venus? | Trajectory - By: Spark
The Age of Cyber Warfare: The Digital Battlefield | Future Warfare | Part 2 - By: Naked Science